Sunday, November 4, 2012

Krugman and Silver agree that NYT reporting is 'stupid' and 'lazy'

The limitations of 140 characters on Twitter have certain advantages (fast news feed, allows you to sort through the junk more quickly) and disadvantages (lack of context is certainly the most evident). Lack of context allows one user to call another a liar without supporting evidence--thus, the responsible journalist must be careful to back up each claim with some sort of argument (the user's or an article by someone else).  Nevertheless, many users are not interested in evidence--name calling (ad hominem, abusive) is so much easier.
Donald Trump is a good example--he seems the poster child for 'post-fact politics'.  But when Paul Krugman and Nate Silver call the NYT (for whom both blog) 'lazy' and 'stupid', you should take notice. 

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