Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How do you measure a politician's intelligence?

Not, one would hope, by whether or no he or she can count.  As I've recently posted, certain politicos are arguing that Paul Ryan should replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House.  I agree with both and Rachel Maddow that Boehner is bad at his job.  Boehner is far too weak a leader to be effective as Speaker (say what you want about Pelosi's positions, she was certainly not weak).  However, Paul Ryan would not be a suitable Speaker in the least.  He is certainly not weak--the man simply cannot count.
(Full article)
I continue to reject the notion of a 'mandate', but it remains the case that Romney/Ryan got walloped no matter how you look at it.
(NB, Romney and Ryan lost the EC by 333-206, not 232-206).

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