Thursday, November 15, 2012

Simpson Bowles vs. Tax Hikes.

In the interest of keeping informed, I am trying to follow all the important news on the so-called fiscal cliff.  Among other things, it is important to note that there is not a chance the US will fall off the fiscal cliff--if the US finds itself crushed at the bottom of it in January of 2013, it is because the Congress willfully drove over that cliff.  All Congress needs to do to avoid such an eventuality is come to an agreement on the Bush Tax Cuts--that is, do their job.  Some are arguing that the Bush cuts should be allowed to expire for the top bracket earners (over $250,000), while others are in favor of the Simpson-Bowles tax reform.  Today, Ezra Klein says, "letting the Bush tax cuts for income over $250,000 expire is Simpson-Bowles style tax reform."  Worth a read.

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