Monday, November 5, 2012

Global Warming--a primer to the debate

It's never advisable to base a post on something that Donald Trump says on Twitter.  Nevertheless, one can learn from stupidity. 
This is not an uncommon way of denying global warming.  First of all, that is not how global warming works--sort of like "one sparrow does not a Summer make".  Regardless, it is important to distinguish between global warming and man-made global warming.  The first is not controversial in the least.  The earth goes through various climate changes ("climate change" is surely preferable to "global warming") over time (long, long periods of time--don't look for a single storm).  Trump may deny that it is man-made, and I am not interested in arguing this point.  Nevertheless, to deny climate change altogether is a little like denying gravity.  You might not like it, but denial will not grant you the power to levitate.

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