Friday, November 16, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

Is systematic extermination of homosexuals in Uganda.  This is apparently how Ugandan clerics expressed their desire for the passage of Uganda's so-called "kill the gays bill".  'Some Christian clerics at the meeting in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, asked the speaker to pass the law as 'a Christmas gift.'"  To a certain degree, the story is old news.  Rachel Maddow has been reporting on the bill and the involvement of US legislators in encouraging its passage for some time:
Nevertheless, last Monday it seems the bill was passed and will take effect in the new year (Merry Christmas AND Happy New Year!) [ARTICLE]  What I find disturbing today, is that it is not being reported more broadly in the news.  Here's what you get if you search "Uganda" over at CNN:
And Fox:
And if you search at MSNBC, you'll find it last:

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