Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fox News has an eye on voter intimidation.

This story has been making the rounds this morning. I discovered it first at Daily Kos, and then at Comedy Central.  For both web sites, the story revolved around racism--Fox News, according the Daily Kos and CC is simply afraid of the black man.  The problem with this analysis is that it misses the mark--the problem over at Fox (on this question) is not that they are not 'color blind', but rather that they are blind.  Voter intimidation is a serious offence, no doubt, and should be condemned without qualification.  However, the gentleman in the video (and until I see him act otherwise, he is a gentleman), far from intimidating voters in the video, greets them and holds the door for them.  The overlying commentary by Fox commentator Laura Ingram (and friends) is sheer comedy in this context.

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