Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Citizens United and the Buying of Elections

As it turns out, Karl Rove's Super PAC spent $400 million this election cycle, not just on Romney, but on congressional candidates.  What did he get for that cash?  Bupkis it seems.  I have not confirmed the tweets above, nor do I care to.  I'm not interested in the cash, nor in the results (in this particular post, in any case).  I'm interested in the narrative--Rove spent a rather sizable amount of money and has nothing to show for it.  Both Kaczynski and Schultz are emphasizing the wrong part, viz., that he got nothing to show for it.  The problem is not the result (perhaps Rove was outspent).  The problem is that one can throw $400 million at a campaign.  If the Citizens United ruling suggests that businesses are people too, then businesses should be given the right to vote.  Otherwise, Citizens United must be rejected as unconstitutional.

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