The analysis continues as to why Romney (and the Republicans in general) lost. And the Atlantic's How Conservative Media Lost to the MSM and Failed the Rank and File. The article itself is quite interesting, analyzing acutely the problems at certain conservative outlets. However, although he identifies many errors committed by conservative media, he does not identify the reason for those errors, and thus misses an opportunity to make the larger, more important point.
Indeed, listening to the predictions of Noonan or Morris or Scarborough over those of Nate Silver was idiotic. You shouldn't start making bets when you don't know the rules of the game. Silver is a gambler, and a highly successful one, not a journalist. The first three are pundits, commentators and politicos. They should not be playing the numbers game in any case. Nevertheless, the Atlantic article misses two important points. First, the Republicans lost because they fronted some of the worst candidates they could possibly find (and that is saying quite a lot after having allowed Palin on their ticket in '08--she was a strong woman who fought for what she believed; unfortunately she believed Africa was a country). Second, there is no such thing as conservative media (nor liberal media), if by media you mean an organization responsible for broadcasting the news. If you intend the fifth estate, a biased news outfit is not a news outfit at all. Rather it is fictional programming with an agenda. The only bias of a true newsman is bias towards the truth.
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