Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bill Kristol offers a compromise (sort of).

Conservative pundit and commentator Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard is encouraging the GOP to compromise on the the Bush tax cuts--one of the most significant elements of the looming fiscal cliff (fiscal slope? fiscal mound?).  Breaking ranks with Grover-Norquist-Republicans, Kristol suggested that the cuts could be allowed to expire for those making over $250,000 (or $500,000 or $1 million).  He seems to acknowledge that the reelection of President Obama (together with the continued Republican control of the House) will require negotiations, conversation and debate.  But notice, he is incapable of simply suggesting what is a very reasonable response to the elections (presidential and congressional) without a dig at the rich Democrats who voted for Obama and "live in Hollywood?".  What does their address have to do with anything?  (Is it even true?)

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