Thursday, December 6, 2012

Words are your friends.

Some conservatives have their eyes on how congress spends its time (and your money).  It is not uncommon for congress to spend unnecessary time on ridiculous legislation when they should be considering more important matters.  Yesterday, congress voted (almost unanimously) to remove the word lunatic from all legislation.  Here's how Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin reacted:

Granted, there are more pressing issues right now (though they too could be solved rather quickly and easily--as they no doubt will be when congress does it's homework the night before the fiscal cliff deadline).  Nevertheless, I can easily imagine instances where the word lunatic would be inappropriate in legislation.  To be clear, when I say inappropriate I do not mean offensive.  Rather, I mean entirely inaccurate.  Words have meaning, and when we make legislation regarding medical conditions using terminology which is not recognized by the medical community problems will arise.  As for reports that the word idiot has been allowed to remain in the wording of legislation, this is a term everyone understands.

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