It's not a credit card with no limit, as Greta Van Susteren and Sarah Palin suggest toward the end of this video. Van Susteren's outrage (shared by Palin) over the idea that POTUS might take over the responsibility of raising the debt ceiling (subject to approval by congress) is incredibly mis-informed. Raising the debt ceiling is largely a matter of optics--congress regularly reviews (and raises) the ceiling simply to remind themselves of how much they owe (of our money) before they think of borrowing more. Whether or not the US can borrow more money has absolutely nothing to do with the debt ceiling--though if the international community of lenders sees that we are so irresponsible as to not review and raise our debt ceiling, they may be disinclined to lend to us. In addition, the idea of taking the debt ceiling review out of the hands of congress was suggested my Mitch McConnell in 2011.
As far as the first half of the video, Leno is being held up as the only example of a journalist over at CBS with enough balls to call for answers regarding who changed the talking points on Benghazi before Ambassador Rice went on air. Unfortunately, Leno's balls are not as impressive as his tardiness--the intelligence community has already indicated that they were responsible. Maybe Leno missed the same meeting McCain missed.
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