Thursday, December 6, 2012

"WaPo's @JRubinBlogger kicks DeMint on way out"

The mixed metaphor notwithstanding (kicking you when you are down + letting the door hit you in the ass on the way out), Byron York's tweet was misleading.  It makes it sound as if DeMint lost his seat or was fired.  In fact, he's moving on to a better paying job at the Heritage Foundation.  Regardless of what you think of DeMint or or the Heritage Foundation, Rubin's blog post was intelligent and spelled out the ways that DeMint has failed to serve conservatives (in Rubin's opinion).  I can imagine some dissent from Rubin's position, but such should be accompanied by facts, arguments, something.  Instead, Mark Levin simply told her to go to hell.
Michelle Malkin, on the other hand, resorted to punctuation.  Instead of showing how Rubin is not a true conservative, she used scare quotes to make sure that we know that Malkin does not consider her far right enough.  Too bad, this could have been an interesting conversation.

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