Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Godly Grammar of Theology.

I am not particularly fond of Bill Maher--not so much because of his opinions, but because of his 'shock-jockeyness'.  He seems to belong to the same school of thought as Neal Boortz and Michael Savage, who believe that the greater the number of your detractors the more correct your opinion.  Nevertheless, Maher's comments regarding today's Super Bowl led to a sublime exchange on Twitter.
In general, I agree with Maher's sentiment, though I think 27% is not nearly as impressive as Maher seems to think.  However, what is more interesting is Maher's evident orthographic error, which was noticed by very few to begin with.  Obviously "thing" should read "think", and there is a certain irony in making such a blatant error when calling someone stupid.  Maher could have been taken to task by the Twitterverse.  Instead, Maher's detractors doubled down.

Not only have these tweeps failed to identify the most obvious error in Maher's tweet, the supposed error they've 'corrected' is not an error at all.  The word god is a common noun, not a proper noun (like God Jones, or God Jefferson).

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